Mental health and wellness is dependent on multiple factors. Our providers recognize the brain connections, hormonal and gastro-intestinal factors required to maintain well-being. We will help you identify, diagnose and treat your specific condition(s) using scientifically validated screening and diagnostic tools. We will work with you to select the best medications, psychotherapy, nutrition and fitness therapies that fit your schedule and lifestyle.
Available Treatment Services
Comprehensive Health Evaluation
Medical Health Referrals
Medication Management
Genetics Testing
Nutrition and Fitness Counseling
Brief Person-Centered Therapy
COPE: Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment - CBT and skills building for children, teens and young adults (see Norkris Kids Corner for more information)
Vivitrol Administration
Telepsychiatry- We now offer telepsychiatry via HIPPA compliant video-conferencing tools. Telepsychiatry allows us to care for our patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. Zoom Telehealth calls are secure, low bandwidth, and work well on 3G, 4G and WiFi networks.
REIKI Energy Healing
REIKI Classes
Sound Baths
Drum Circle
Guided Meditations
Conditions We Treat
Anxiety Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Bipolar Disorders
Dementia with behavioral disturbances
Depressive Disorders
Eating Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Schizoaffective Disorders
Substance Use Disorders
Accepted Payments
Initial Consultation: 45 minutes to 1 hour
Follow-Up Consultations: 20 minutes
Care First BCBS PPO, Federal
Care First BCBS HMO
Private Pay
Johns Hopkins EHP
Maryland Medical Assistance
MultiPlan PHCS (Primary PPO)
MultiPlan (Complementary)
Tricare, Tricare Prime
Sliding Fee Scale (SFS) Discount Program
Sliding Fee Scale Discount Program
Our mission and philosophy has been to provide the highest level of quality healthcare for all individuals, regardless of your insurance status or ability to pay. In efforts to provide patient-centered, comprehensive mental health care services for all individuals Norkris has adopted the sliding scale fee discount program. This program allows you to pay a nominal fee, or in some cases, no fee, based off your income.
Your eligibility for the sliding fee scale program is based on your household income and household size, and is calculated using federal guidelines, regardless of insurance.
How to Apply:
1. Download and complete the Sliding Fee Scale Application by clicking on the file below:
2. Provide evidence of your financial status. Please provide your proof of income documents within 2 weeks of your application submission. If your documents are submitted beyond 2 weeks, your application will be considered denied and you will need to submit a new application.
You can verify your income status by submitting 2 of the following forms of written verification of household income and size:
-Most recent paycheck stub
-W2 form
-Most recent income tax return
-Written Statement from your Employer
-Unemployment Check Stub
-Social Security Check Stub
If you are unable to provide proof of income, please contact our office manager to complete a self-declaration of income.
3. Submit your application for review to our front desk or via mail to:
Norkris Services
Attention: SFS Program
611 South Union Avenue
Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Please allow 1 month from the time of your completed application submission for the Norkris SFS review process.
You will be notified in writing of the SFS program acceptance or denial.
If you are approved for the SFS program, please contact the Norkris office within 2 weeks of receiving notification to inform us of your acceptance or denial of the SFS services. Each applicant is required to submit a new application every 12 months or if there is a significant change in household income or household size.
Please note: Providing false information on a Sliding Fee Scale Discount Application will result in program discounts being revoked and the full balance of the account(s) restored and payable immediately.
If you have any questions about the SFS program, please do not hesitate to ask any member of the Norkris team.